Pancit Molo

Pancit Molo

Pancit Molo is a dish I grew up eating for New Year growing up. It’s part of our Chinese heritage in the Philippines. It’s origins are from the district of Molo in Ilo Ilo City where there was a predominantly Chinese population. It really is the Filipino version of Wonton Soup. What makes it distinct is probably the use of fish sauce and also fried garlic as toppings which is often found in many of the Chinese influenced Filipino dishes — think Arroz Caldo, Batchoy, etc.

I remember my Lola making this for us when we came over for New Year’s Day lunch and when we moved to the US, this tradition was continued by my mom and dad. When I got older, this was such a comfort on New Years Day because it was a warm and soothing soup that was the best antidote to a hangover from New Years Eve. There was always a pot of broth going and we would all make our own bowls and customize it with our own toppings.

When I later moved far away from home, this is a tradition I started to pick up for myself and my partner, Brandon. It was a way for us to feel close to family during the holidays. In the Philippines, we celebrate both the Calendar New Year and the Lunar New Year so there is double the opportunity to have Pancit Molo. The latter most likely depending on your family ancestry having Chinese origins. I grew up also eating Tikoy (Nian Gao), a yummy glutinous rice cake that is both sweet and savory because we dip the slice in an eggwash and pan fry it for a crispy outer texture. We love having that with tea for merienda during this time of year. We also always have Pancit as noodles always signify long life.

I am sharing my version of Pancit Molo hoping it resonates with you this Lunar New Year, let me know what you think and also what your family does to celebrate the New Year.




4 Large Chicken Thighs, bone in

1 thumb of Ginger, peeled and sliced

1/2 medium Onion, peeled and sliced

3 Scallions, cut in 1 inch pieces

Salt or Fish Sauce to taste


1 1/2 lbs Ground Pork

1/2 lb raw Shrimp, peeled, deveined and finely diced

3-4 leaves Napa cabbage, shredded and finely diced

3-4 pcs Shiitake or Oyster Mushrooms, finely diced

3-4 Scallions, finely diced

1 thumb of Ginger, peeled and finely diced

2 tbsp Fish Sauce

2 tbsp Soy Sauce

1 tbsp Sesame Oil

1 egg, to bind filling

100 pcs Wonton Wrappers*


3 cloves Garlic, sliced thin and fried to a crisp

2-3 Scallions, chopped

3-4 pcs Baby Bok Choy, root removed, stems chopped and leaves blanched

Scallion or Cilantro Oil (optional)

Chili Oil or Crunch (optional)

HK Style Thin Egg Noodles (optional)

NOTE: This recipe makes 4 servings of Pancit Molo Soup with enough wontons to freeze for later use.

*WONTON WRAPPERS - Square ones with a medium thickness work well but round dumpling wrappers can work in a pinch.




In a large stock pot, add the chicken, onions, scallions and ginger and about 5 cups of water. Season generously with salt or fish sauce and bring to a boil then bring the heat down to a simmer for about 1 1/2 - 2 hours.



In a large bowl, add the Ground Pork, Diced Shrimp, Mushrooms, Napa Cabbage, Scallions and Egg and mix thoroughly until combined. Season with Soy Sauce, Fish Sauce and Sesame Oil.

To test the seasoning, heat up a sauté pan and a little bit of neutral cooking oil. Drop in a small tsp of the mixture and cook until done. Taste to check the seasoning and add salt or season as needed.

NOTE: It is important that the ingredients are finely diced so it incorporates well with the ground pork so take the time, chop away and get your aggressions out on the chopping board. 😊



Prepare your area by making sure you have the mixture, a large platter to place the finished wontons, a wet paper towel to cover the wontons so they don’t dry up, a finger bowl with water, your wonton wrappers and a bit of flour to dust on as needed so the wontons don’t stick to each other.

To wrap, take a wrapper in one hand and fill with a healthy tsp of the filling in the middle. Do not overfill. Using your finger, spread some water on all 4 sides of the wrapper, fold into a triangle and seal tightly, squeezing out any air around the filling. Dab a bit of water on the 2 corners of the triangle where it folds and connect the edges together and press to seal. Repeat until done.

For the Pancit Molo, you will need about 6-8 pcs per serving so set those aside. This recipe makes more wontons than needed so you can store and freeze the rest to use at a later time. To freeze, place in a flat tray and freeze overnight then when the wontons are frozen solid, portion it out into smaller servings in a zip loc freezer back. This can keep for 2-3 months frozen.



Remove the chicken from the stock and let cool. Remove from the bone and cut into bite sized pieces. Set aside until assembly.

Strain the stock so it is clean of any aromatics and any left over chicken.

Right before serving, heat up the broth and add the bok choy and scallion stems. Check seasoning and make adjustments as needed.



In a large stock or pasta pot, bring heavily salted water to a boil. Drop in your wontons a serving (6-8) at a time to ensure that it is not over crowded. Move it around a bit to make sure it does not stick to the bottom of the pan. When it starts to float, wait for about a minute before scooping them out into a bowl with a strainer. Repeat until desired servings are complete.



To serve, place cooked wontons in a bowl and ladle in your broth. Add in chicken, blanched bok choy and scallions. Top with fried garlic and drizzle scallion oil and chili oil to your taste. This is customizable so let each person make their own bowl.

TO MAKE IT EXTRA (or the next day).

To make this a more filling meal, feel free to add noodles. We love egg noodles and I’ve linked it in the ingredients. You just have to prepare them per package directions and add them in when you add the wontons. Enjoy!


Paksiw na Pata


Lumpiang Shanghai